Saturday, December 4, 2010


Six months is too long to go without a haircut, so the boys got to experience going to a barber for the first time in their lives. They've always gotten their hair cut by their grandmother, Puna, in Lanikai, and even the offer to sit in the cool kiddie chairs at the barbershop at the top of Waialae Ave. at home has fallen on deaf ears in favor of their familiar Puna haircuts.

But Jack especially needed a cut, so Erin took them to the barber for niƱos on Av. Scalabrini Ortiz. I've only seen the shop through the window from the street and I stayed home for the haircut outing, so I was pleasantly surprised by the first of the few pictures Erin emailed me from the salon (even at the barbershop there is free wifi in Buenos Aires. Apparently there is a video game station for the lucky brother who isn't in the barber's seat...and a play area with the plastic ball "swimming pool" usually reserved for the play room for kids at a restaurant or Fun Factory back home.

Puna, you may have lost your business from the Maretzki boys unless you can get some entertainment into your salon ASAP.

And even if you get the video game station set up on the lanai, and an
area to dive in a swim with the plastic balls just off the potted plants, you'll need to situate the barber's chair near the television so whoever is under the scissors can keep an eye on the television...

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