Going to school...
The boys had a great day at school today. I have no idea how they had the courage (was it ignorance?) to head off to class all morning in Spanish, but both said it was great. Quinn's only complaint is that the girls were all trying to touch his hair and shoes (?), and the firefighters who visited all just talked in Spanish/Castellano. Jack's big gripe is that the water tastes yucky at snack time. I think we can live with those concerns.
Had to add one more uniform picture. Quinn wears the ol' gray pants, polo shirt and sweater or sweatshirt combo, except on the day they have PE, when he gets to wear the school sweats (very excited about that one), and Jack wears whatever he wants under the red smock-ish thing called a delantal (I probably buchered the spelling but Erin's already asleep) and his green school jacket. They both think the uniforms are the greatest.
Hi Mark, Erin, Quinn, and Jack! I am so excited for you all to be in a new country. This takes so much courage and being in it together as a family must be so awesome! I bet the girls all love you, Quinn, and I bet you must be a big hit in your class, Jack. Mom and Dad, how do you spend your days when the children are in school? Take care and love to you all. And if you need anything, let me know. By the way, is the postal system for receiving packages or boxes reliable? love, Aunty Carol
que tal todos en Argentina, me castellano tampoco es lo mejor y asi puedo practicar un poco escribir. Si necesitais (?) algo desde berlin, escribir lo por favor ! Tengo que mirar como es lo de la hora, aqui estoy escribiendo al las 9:45 AM de la manana.
De momento,
abrazos y muchos saludos
Hola, Mark, Erin, and the dynamic duo! No surprise that Q's garnered groupies already. =) Thanks for passing on this blog link: looking forward to hearing all about your adventures. Virtual aloha to you all.
Hi Carol, I'm not sure about receiving packages yet. You thinking of sending bundles of cash? :-) I can email you our address, but we're really all set here.
Hola Aki! As far as I can tell, your Castellano is bárbaro! :-) Looking forward to keeping in touch!
Hi Lara, not sure they're groupies but I don't think he minds the attention as much as he claims!
now, Mark, Make sure you! don't celebrate today, Ha! Ha!
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